Patient Management App
My Circle Health needed a patient management app to make it simple for their nurses to monitor diabetes patients. Our team developed a Rest API to manage patient data and a persistent web application to manage patient interactions.

Patient Dashboard
Using a series of goals and alerts set by the prescribing physician, the application created a “score” for each patient and updated that score in real time based on patient interactoin data. The dashboard summarized the caregiver’s patients and their overall health.

Patient Intake
Physicians enter diagnoses through and iPad app that directly interacts with the backend API. When a patient is assigned a diagnosis, tasks for associated caregivers and monitoring nurses are automatically assigned.

Task Management
When viewing a patient’s summary page, the caregiver sees the patient’s health via a grapical dashboard that indicates progress or declines relative to goals. Associated tasks are outlined in a list below where the caregiver can update patient data and record logs of each interaction.
The MCH 360 Application Suite
MCH 360 is a robust application for patient management. Stone Umbrella can create similar functionality to meet your patient management needs.
- Tasks can be edited, assigned, and completed directly in the interface.
- The patient dashboard presents an interactive summary of the patient’s overall health.
- Every day, new data points are collected for the patient and a new score is calculated.
- When patient diagnoses are updated or added, the system immediately assigns or removes tasks as needed.
- Additional tasks can be manually added by the physician during diagnosis.
- Medications can be assigned or modified through the diagnosis/intake wizard.
- Overall goals and alerts are auto-populated depending on diagnosis.
- A patient can have one or more diagnoses.
Rapid API and Interface Development
Using our existing codebases and frameworks such as Ionic that allow for rapid, cross-platform application development, our team can create robust web applications to meet your needs in nearly any industry.