Mineralology Databases
Scientific databases created on behalf of University of Arizona Geosciences
The RRUFF Project was sponsored by Michael Scott – a renowned mineral collector and former Apple executive. In conjunction with Bob Downs at the University of Arizona’s Geosciences department, the RRUFF Project sought to catalog all the known minerals on earth. The result has become the premier destination for mineralogical data and has been critical in geology and mineralogy research. Both the RRUFF Project and its sister site, the IMA Mineral List, were coded by Stone Umbrella.

RRUFF Project Stats
The RRUFF Project became the central clearing house for mineralogy data and remains so to this day. In fact, it’s so important to mineralogy that the mineral rruffite (IMA 2009-077) has been named after the site.
The RRUFF Project catalogs over 4500 minerals.
Record Views
Thousand of researchers use the RRUFF Project every day.
The database stores one of the finest mineralogy photo collections.
Stone Umbrella’s Work
Our goal was an extremely fast and user-friendly research tool
We created the RRUFF Project in PHP and Javascript with the goal of making the system fast and flexible. The system contains an administration system where researchers can be assigned tasks and mineral records can be embargoed until approved for release. Each record contains multiple interactive graphs, sub-records, and references.